Postdoctoral Position Available - Engineering Chicken Cells for the Development of Sex Selective Progeny

Laboratories of Dr. Teresa Davoli and Dr. Jef Boeke

Institute for Systems Genetics, NYU School of Medicine

435 East 30th Street, New York, NY 10016

Research Project

We are looking for highly motivated scientists with great communication skills, collaborative spirit and that love for science. The projects will mainly focus on genome engineering of chicken cells to build sex selective progeny.

There is an important financial and ethical burden associated with the need of producing and culling animals of the undesired sex. In the case of chickens, every year billions of male chickens are culled as they are not commercially profitable as females: they do not produce eggs and due to their lower body fat content, they can be sold for meat as easily as females (see article below). The postdoc candidate will work to develop innovative technologies of genome engineering to solve this problem. The project will involve a collaborative effort performed together with other labs in the US.

Literature cited: hick-culling-180977263/

What we offer

Postdoctoral position is available for a wet-lab project on genome engineering that may also involve some dry-lab aspects. Candidates with a background in genetics/molecular biology/stem cell biology and genome engineering in cells or tissues are encouraged to apply. The Postdoctoral Researcher will have the opportunity to receive training on the use of state-of-the-art approaches in synthetic genetics and genomics analyses.

Starting date: any time after July 2022.


  • PhD in molecular biology, genetics or stem cell biology.

  • Strong research background in cell biology and genome engineering

  • Strong publication record


About the new Institute for Systems Genetics @ NYU School of Medicine

The Institute for Systems Genetics (ISG) at NYU School of Medicine was established in January 2014 by Jef Boeke, PhD, with the mission of performing innovative science in the fields of systems biology and genetics/genomics. We work closely with genomics and proteomics, and we partner with academic, research, and industry organizations, including the New York Genome Center in Manhattan.


Contact: Dr. Teresa Davoli;

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